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Non For Profit Organisation in United Kingdom & Ghana

Annies Wellbeing is a Mental Wellness service. The primary aim of our service is to relieve distress and promote the Mental well-being of individuals - both young and old. We recognise the importance of being listened to in confidence, anonymously, and ...


H.O.P.E (Helping one Person Everyday) is a community project in the UK and Ghana. H.O.P.E is part of Annies Wellbeing Service. We provide Mental Health crisis intervention. We do this by providing Telephone Counselling services, One to one Counselling, ...

My Space (Columnist)

Change must start from Me

The following words were written on the tomb of an Anglican Bishop in the Crypts of Westminster Abbey: 

When I was young and free, and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, I ...